Saturday, August 15, 2015

Kansas City Senior Pictures - Maggie - Harrisonville Senior Rep -

I knew as soon as Maggie applied to be a Senior Rep that photographing her was going to be awesome.  As a Kansas City Senior Photographer, I LOVE senior pictures.  Maggie has a vintage, almost Audrey Hepburn look about her.  And I kind felt like a high fashion photographer during our shoot.  She was so easy to work with... and oh, did I mention that she had the GREAT idea to do pictures in/on a waterfall?  How cool is she?  So, for her senior pictures, she literally laid on a waterfall... while her mom giggled over on dry land.  What a great night.  If it hadn't gotten dark, I would've taken photos of Maggie all night!!  Here are a few of my favorite pics...

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